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Mono Bro Of The Week
Mono Bro Of The Week
Week - 34

Rajit Singh
When people behold the insurgent breadth, width and sheer solidarity of my monobrow, they are, inevitably, surprised. So surprised are they, in fact, that I have been forced to protect my own feelings, by carrying a permanent look of surprise on my own face; the result of which is to make these facial hair rubber-necking bastards wonder if perhaps there is something strange and ungodly about their own appearance. They may wonder if they might have suddenly sprouted an Ôeye-stacheÕ during the night, or even a sickly monobrow of their own. Serves those damn fuckers right. Bully them! Bloody bastards.

The Monobrow Mission Statement
At, we don't view having one eyebrow as a grotesque, freakish human deformity. On the contrary. We think you are special (and not the kind of special where you wear a helmet.) The kind of special where people look at the hairy, catipillar-like growth above your eyes and say, "Oh my God! What the hell is that thing?" You're not alone., celebrating the unity of your eyebrows.
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